New Year's Eve! It’s all fun & games until you wake up to find yourself in the middle of a lawn that’s not yours wrapped in Christmas lights snuggling a light up pink flamingo lawn ornament. Man, what happened? All you want to do is find the greasiest Waffle House you can to soak up all that alcohol.
However there’s something lingering. A constant reminder of the previous evening's escapades. The hangover.
So what happens when you have a hangover? You drink too much alcohol & the next morning you wake up with a splitting headache & your tum tum is all topsy turvy. This is because those 8 IPAs you pounded last night were 9% & all that alcohol irritates your stomach lining. Alcohol has been shown to slow stomach emptying & digestion while also increasing stomach acid. So those Chalupas & 6 soft tacos you smashed from TB at 3 am are still just sitting in a pool of stomach acid.
Alcohol causes your blood vessels to expand, leading to a throbbing sensation in your dome. The Norwegians call it jeg har tommermen which translates to, “Carpenters in my head”. You know the feeling.
Alcohol can also make your blood sugar drop leading to fatigue, weakness, shakiness & even mood swings.
Eating before you drink slows the absorption of alcohol into the bloodstream.
Drink agua! At least one glass for every beer. You’ll be peeing your brains out but at least the next morning won’t be as bad.
Finally, drink slowly. Enjoy your beer. Do you really need to shotgun every beer tossed your way? Is it necessary to use a beer bong? Who are you trying to impress at your age? Just cool it, will ya?
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